Current status and challenges of sports statistics

'Statistics' is information produced by summarizing or processing various numerical data collected to understand economic, social, and natural phenomena. It is known that this was introduced when the state collected and managed data on population and land in order to implement policies such as tax collection and conscription. In Article 3, Item 1 of the Statistical Act, statistics are 'for the purpose of using statistics for the establishment and evaluation of government policies or for the analysis of economic and social phenomena, It is defined as 'quantitative information prepared directly or by entrusting or entrusting to other organizations, corporations or organizations'.

The usefulness of these statistical data is increasing as the importance of evidence-based policies has recently been emphasized. This is because statistics are evaluated click here as the most direct and scientific among the various grounds used in the policy making process. In Korea, too, in order to strengthen the link between statistics and policies, 가입머니 efforts are being made to improve the effectiveness of policies by using statistics suitable for the implementation and evaluation process of policies, such as the introduction and implementation of a statistics-based policy management system since 2008.

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